What matters to us: integrity and openly dealing with mistakes
Our code of conduct
If you hear about an incident which is in conflict with the law, in-house policies or our Code of Conduct, we would be grateful if you would let us know.
You have a front-row seat. You can see if something’s not as it should be. You can make a difference!
One aspect of our open corporate culture at the Schwabe Group is that we prioritize transparency and dialogue. Of course you can continue to talk about missteps by engaging in a personal conversation with your compliance officer. Feel free to do so at any time, and be assured that your information will be treated confidentially.
There may be reasons why you might not want to pursue a direct path, though. Perhaps you want to remain anonymous. If that is the case, then we would welcome an anonymous tip as well. You can use our central whistleblowing platforms to get in touch.
You want to report a violation to us?
The Schwabe Group takes every violation seriously. However, please act responsibly and do not submit false or defamatory reports.
What can you report?
If you want to inform us about human rights or environmental-related risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental-related due diligence obligations in the Schwabe Group's own business area or one of its direct suppliers in accordance with the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations for the Prevention of Human Rights Violations in Supply Chains (LkSG), please use our complaints procedure in accordance with the LkSG.
If you wish to report other violations according to the EU Whistleblower Directive against any applicable laws or the Schwabe Group’s Code of Conduct committed by employees of the Schwabe Group in connection with their employment, please use our central whistleblower platform”