Healthy aging: A new joint endeavor between Schwabe Group and the University of Munich
07.07.202207.- As part of the Schwabe Phyto Innovation Challenge, we have now successfully launched a collaborative project:
Dr. Simone Moser and her team will work hand-in-hand with Prof. Angelika Vollmar, the chair of the faculty of pharmaceutical biology at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, to analyze phylloxanthobilins; this group of substances was discovered in recent years and is thought to have potentially positive effects on arteriosclerosis. The process of the blood vessels hardening is responsible for the majority of cardiovascular problems in older people.
To date, phylloxanthobilins have only been regarded as degradation products of chlorophyll, the green pigment in leaves, and have thus received very little attention. However, initial studies from Dr. Moser’s workgroup indicate that this group of substances has very promising pharmacological effects in models that are relevant in treating arteriosclerosis. Furthermore, phylloxanthobilins occur in high concentrations in some medicinal plants.
We are pleased to be able to work closely with this highly-regarded team from the University of Munich in the years ahead, and together we want to explore the potential that is inherent in this novel class of substances as a possible therapeutical principle. We hope this will bring us one step closer to our goal of healthy aging.

Left to right: Patricia Frei, Dr. Simone Moser (both University of Munich), Dr. Dirk Bredenbröker (Schwabe Group), Andreas Rastetter (University of Munich), Dr. Martin Lehner (Schwabe Group)