Schwabe Group Germany greatly reduces CO2 emissions!

In 2022, the Schwabe Group successfully made major reductions in its COemissions for Scope 1 and 2 in Germany versus the previous year’s figures. Interim data about the carbon footprint in Germany are now available and confirm this trend.

The development is extremely positive: in comparison with the baseline year of 2021, we reduced the Scope 1 and 2 numbers for Germany in 2022 by approximately 37% and eliminated 6,690 tons of CO2e! By doing so, we have taken a large step closer to our mid-term goal of cutting our COemissions in half by 2030.

The major factors which made our carbon footprint smaller were converting to green energy at the sites on Schwabestrasse, Ottostrasse and at Terra Medica; we also lowered energy consumption by reducing operating times and modifying parameters and down times.

What are Scopes? -> The carbon footprint of the Schwabe Group |


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